Monday, February 7, 2011

Why are Journalists tempted to plagiarize or make up stories?

Journalists would be tempted to plagiarize for the same reason anyone else would. Because it is an easier way to get something done. Since journalists write all day everyday as their job’s most important requirement, they are more exposed to plagiarism than a regular working man or woman. They are tempted to plagiarize for several different reasons. Firstly, they could be under pressure and need some information from another source about a story they have to submit shortly. Then, sometimes, they can just be feeling like they can’t write or don’t want to write so they wrongly ‘borrow’ someone else’s words.

Journalists are also often tempted to make up stories. They do so because they want to be the authors of the latest ‘hot topic’. They want people to be talking about their story even if the content is false and fictive. This is precisely why we have to be careful as readers and filter well the data that we find, most often on the Internet, because it might not be accurate.

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