Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What is news? What is Media?

News as we spoke about in class deals with relevance, usefulness, interest, impact, conflict, novelty, prominence, and timeliness. Relevance deals with how relevant a topic is to the audience, a topic that is relevant effects the audience. Usefulness is how useful the topic is to the audience, it should be helpful to their daily life. The piece has to be interesting to the audience, otherwise they will not read it. Stories often have impact, even if the issue does not directly effect it's audience it should in some way. Such as in Egypt, the protests will affect our gas prices. Novelty is a story that is interesting but does not particularly have relevance, people often enjoy these types of stories. Prominence deals with someone famous, which is why the public wants to know what’s happening with them. Finally timeliness is simply meaning that the story is happening now and is important now rather than last week.

Media is what form these news stories appear in. There are different types of media; radio, television, print, and online. These different types of media all include the news factors I previously spoke about, however, they present them differently. For example print uses a lead that is hard, it gets in all of the most important facts within the first sentence (who, what, where, when, why, and sometimes how). In contrast, on the radio they may start out with a line to get you hooked and then proceed with the facts.

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