Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Public Relations: The Good, The Bad, And The Terrell Owens

What is good public relations? How does writing for PR differ from writing news?

Public relations can obviously be good and bad. It is supposed to always promote good images for the clients these PR firms represent, and it is very different than writing for news.

Writing for news is so different because it is supposed to be always be objective. In PR, it always is subjective to the client to make them look better to the public. Writing for news always has to get out the facts, good and bad. Public relations firms only want to get out the positive facts that favor their client, and sway over the negative comments and concerns the public has about their client.

Public relations can always be bad. For example, when there were rumors that then Cowboy Wide Receiver Terrell Owens was trying to kill himself and took painkillers, his PR representative came out and said he had “6 million reasons to live”. That is a huge example of bad PR. The woman was fired soon after, I believe the next day, due to how she made Owens seem way more depressed than he actually was.

In conclusion, public relations are very different than writing for news. It is generally subjective and only focuses on the positives of their client because that is how they keep their job and make their client look better to the public and media. It can always be good and bad, obviously having a few mix up like the Terrell Owens story I talked about early. It is so much different than writing for a news story in many ways.

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