Sunday, March 20, 2011

Be careful what you include and do not

What makes a good obituary? Why do readers/viewers read and watch them?

A good obituary contains the name, address, occupation, age, cause, date, place of death, names of relatives, time/place of the funeral, the burial site, and the biographical information of the deceased. Typically a picture is also included so that the readers feel like they knew the person, even if they didn't and if they did then they enjoy seeing who exactly it was that died. Obituaries are difficult to write because if you get information wrong people will be very upset with you, and you have to be careful about the information that you include, even if it is right. For example people do not want you to include that it was a suicide, or that it had to do with illegal drugs, they are still too sensitive for that.

People read them because they are typically in local papers and locals want to know who died because they may know them or have a connection to them. Family and friends of the deceased also want to have to obituary as a sign of respect and something they can keep of their loved one.

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