Monday, January 31, 2011

What is news? What is media?

News is something that interests various audiences on various topics. News is something that hasn't been brought to these various audiences' attention yet. We are surrounded by news every day on either a small scale or a big scale. According to news is defined as, "a report of a recent event; intelligence; information". also says that news is, "a presentation of a report on recent or new events in a newspaper or other periodical or on radio or televisions". Newspapers. radio, or television is considered media. Media is the way we receive the news. News is read or seen by audiences through media tools or outlets. The way we receive the news is through media. Media these days are very easily accessible because of technological advancements and the way we abuse these technologies. We find ourselves on facebook, our smart phones, and other tools and are exposed to news constantly.

In order for something to be considered news, reporters and other related professionals use factors to determine if something is news or not. These factors are impact, proximity, timeliness, prominence, novelty, conflict, and audience. Once something is determined news, the news needs a media outlet to tell the audience about it. Media is used to communicate information, or news, in presentations which can use sounds, pictures, videos, typing, and other forms of media outlets. Media is the bridge from news to the audiences.

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