Friday, January 28, 2011

What is news? What is media?

What is media? Well, although it may seem vague, media can be just about anything. Media is the newspaper you read on the way to work, the television program you watch with your friends, and the music you listen to on your iPod. Today, mass media plays a second to second role in our lives.
What is news? News can be defined as information about recent events in your area or even on a global scale. News allows us to be united and on the same page as the millions that take part in watching it. Likewise, news helps provide protection and security. It tells us not to go outside due to hurricane warnings, not to eat certain foods because of an E. Coli scare, and to aid fellow people in need after tragedy has struck. Without news on radio, in newspaper, on television and on the internet, we would find it very difficult to discover things we take for granted (i.e. weather reports, natural disasters, acts of violence).
Receiving news through the media is ultimately the most important form of mass communication. With the constant surrounding of media and the importance of informative news, modern day society has become increasingly more dependent on them and will continue to be as long as it exists.

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